( Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) A special, appropriately prepared receptacle, such as a katric ark, could also be used. ( VOY: " Think Tank")Ī mind meld could even be used to transfer the entire personality or " soul" (known to Vulcans as the katra) of an individual into another body.

Dukat explained this ability to resist as "simply a matter of discipline." ( DS9: " The Maquis, Part II") Hazari could also resist a mind meld. Cardassian Gul Dukat resisted a forcible attempt by Vulcan Maquis member Sakonna to mind meld with him during an interrogation Sakonna performed on behalf of the Maquis. Some species, including Cardassians, could resist the technique, shielding their thoughts from the attempted probe. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) ( TOS: " Mirror, Mirror", et al.)Ī mind meld could also be used by its initiator to probe another person's mind, while the melder shielded his or her own mind from being read by the other participant. ( TOS: " The Devil in the Dark") When physical contact was used in a mind meld with a humanoid, the initiator placed the tips of their fingers at key locations on the head of the other participant. Physical contact was not strictly required but could enhance the effectiveness of the Vulcan's telepathic abilities.